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The Daily Beard No. 333 – Not Okay

Today we discuss the cruelty of demanding the extraordinary when only the ordinary will do. Based on the tweet: Don’t insist on greatness if you consistently approve the okayest.

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The Daily Beard No. 336 – Your Logo is Your Brand. Eventually.

Today we forgo tweet-based ramblings to discuss cops and logos.

The Daily Beard No. 335 – Return of the Christmas Beard

Today we sign off for 2021 with just a touch of holiday ranting and, perhaps, good cheer.

The Daily Beard No. 334 – Word Power

Today we discuss the importance and power of copy without once uttering the words “slacks” or “moist.” Based on the tweet: While “it” and “something” can both be anything, “just do it” is everything “just do something” is not. See, copy does matter.


It’s impossible to leave your audience wanting more when you insist on telling them more than they ever wanted to know.

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Just because a lot of people are into something doesn’t mean they’ll be into your brand when it attempts to hijack it.

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You can spot a committee by its ability to grind greatness into garbage.

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